The most beautiful things in the world can not been seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart
Helen Keller

Breathe, be who you are
Experience, growing consciousness of what is
Unwind, take a rest in deep relaxation
Share, free and without prejudice
Feel, all the life within you
Connect, you and me, the same

‘breath flow’

‘spark of life’
What is shiatsu?
Shiatsu, originally designed as a preventive therapy, can be effectively used to treat a wide variety of health problems, like headaches, sleeping problems, neck-shoulder- and back complaints, burn out, or anxiety. If you want to know what shiatsu might do for you, feel free to contact me.
Shiatsu is a holistic massage therapy originated in Japan, and part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The use of different techniques – applying pressure on specific acupoints on the body, stretches, soft shaking, rhythmic pulsating, rubbing – both activates the body and gives deep relaxation.
Shiatsu, originally designed as a preventive therapy, can be effectively used to treat a wide variety of health problems, like headaches, sleeping problems, neck-shoulder- and back complaints, burn out, or anxiety. If you want to know what shiatsu might do for you, feel free to contact me.
How does it work?
Shiatsu treatment starts with mapping stagnant or weakened Ki-flow in order to activate and rebalance this natural flow. Where we got stuck and feel stiffness in our body revitalizing energy is being released. For some, the energy/Ki network is still something odd. But is it really that different from what has become our daily social media reality? With our cell phones we pluck messages and information from the air surrounding us. Invisible until shown on our screen. Shiatsu tunes in to the messages of your body-soul presence.
Our being, body-mental-emotional-spirit unity, is the expression of the Qi flow, our energetic network, flowing throughout us. This Qi network exists of 12 main meridians, and many interconnections with all the inner structures. Each of these meridians accomplish their own specific task, complementing each other within the wonderful complexity of our human dynamics. Shiatsu treatment starts with mapping stagnant or weakened Ki-flow in order to activate and rebalance this natural flow.

The power of Touch
Shiatsu re-centres you in your own being. It restores clarity and brings peace of body-mind. Experiencing shiatsu touch develops your body consciousness and self-awareness. This is of great value in daily life, where we are often overloaded and our attention dispersed. A moment of observing your inner state of wellbeing, experiencing how you are doing physically, as well as mentally, emotionally or even spiritually can help you to focus and recharge. It might open up a sense of wonder on the rich living dynamics inside you. It speaks of the beauty that is YOU!
However, it also might be painful or confrontational. Feeling the stiffness of your body-mind isn’t something that cheers you up at first. And becoming aware of the amount of stress your body has taken on during all the work and social activities may feel uncomfortable. But it might also open up a sense of wonder on the rich living dynamics inside you. It speaks of the beauty that is YOU! Shiatsu helps to release sensory overload, stress and tension, it softens and revives you with new energy.
Shiatsu treatment
Shiatsu treatment takes 1,5 hour and is with clothes on. Please wear comfortable, light clothes. There will be time to ask questions and share what’s on your mind. During shiatsu massage therapy you lie down on a futon, a thick cotton mat on the floor. If necessary, there are cushions for support, and if lying down gives you trouble, we’ll find a solution for that. Shiatsu can be given in a seated position as well. Afterwards there is time to share, or enjoy a moment of silence by yourself.